No Heros Required - A Callout to be better humans
I have been struggling over what I experienced Tuesday morning on the way to work.
In the morning we are all in a rush to get to work to do all the things we need to do and not enough time to do. On Tuesday, I was on my way to work to teach the Professional Product Owner Course. I was running a little late and 3 TTC trains came that was too full for me to board with my power wheelchair. While waiting a lady came in a walker. I told her when the next train came I would block the people on my right to let her board first and sit in the blue seat designated for disabled people. The next train came, doors opened and I moved to the side to block people on the right to let her board. Some guy stepped over me to get in and shoved this lady back causing her to fall backwards on the platform. I heard the thump and walker slide. The rude guy waved for me to enter...but I stayed behind. I was the only one that remained, the train left. The once crowded platform was now empty. I asked her if she needed me to call 911? She said, “No, I will wait until someone comes that can help me get to my feet”.
I kept talking with her to make sure she was coherent. I finally offered that if she held onto my powerchair that I could pull her up…and she agreed to try. As I began to backup to get her to her feet, I had a sudden fear. I don’t want to pull her up too fast and have her fall into my lap. When I’m dressed for work I look pretty hot and don’t want to give her mixed signals. She stood up and we made our way to the bench. After a couple trains we boarded…she got off the stop before me and seemed fine.
A little frazzled, I shared my story, people called me a hero for helping her. I’m no hero. I have many faults. I can be mean, I can be politically incorrect…I am imperfectly me.
A hero is someone that has to offset jerks in the world. At best, a hero or champion is simply overcompensating for an imbalance of ignorance. At best, I was simply not being a that moment
Let’s spend less time celebrating perceived heroism and just all try to be better humans. This way together we can help each other in this unfair world to enjoy our time here.
Until next time...