The Journey Continues Documentary

I was scared. At times I had self doubt. It was going to hurt. It was going to be a challenge. Cerebral Palsy was not going to stop me. Life is hard, but it's worth it.

This is the Documentary about my journey...not only to walk 5km...but my Journey through life. This touches on all aspects of my life to the big day. Growing up, finding 'The One' in my soul mate Kelly, my career side, and who I am as a person. My friend/brother - Edward Platero could not have told this story any better. I like to pride myself as someone who does not shed a tear...but I shed a few while watching this. I love my wife, friends, and my life. Thank you everyone.

My life has changed a lot in the last year...and it will continue to change...because The Journey Continues.

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