Looking in the Mirror...
During this time of year it is normal to reflect back on the past. I set some pretty ambitious goals for 2014. I'm happy that I've been able to achieve most of the goals that I set.
This year has been a lot of ups and downs. I have been able to accomplish things that did not seem possible and I lost a very special person in my life. I am starting a new chapter in moving to Toronto and taking on an exciting new opportunity. However, to do this my wife and I are moving away from a number of loved ones we have got close to over the last 9 years.
Looking back on everything I realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing life filled with family, friends, and other people that inspire me to embrace this awfully wonderful thing of life and enjoy it.
I wish I could go back in time and talk to the sixteen-year-old version of myself that would spend countless hours alone in his bedroom scared that he would not find that special woman, not be able to make it in the grown-up world, and to not know what kind of life he would have. As a teenager I would even find myself in tears thinking the above-mentioned is not possible.
I am complete
I wish I could go back and tell him that he is going to find a woman that will make him better than he could've ever imagined, that completes the holes that were left void, that is the reason why you wake up in the morning and is your best friend & lover (Giggity).
Steps to Victory with Alex and Kelly
Sharing the moments with special friends
Step by step
I wish I could go back and tell him that you will meet the special person named Alex. Together you will spend twenty months training to walk further and faster than you ever thought possible. You will do the Terry Fox event that would raise over $30,000 for cancer. This event would allow you to get closer to your dreams with each step. This event would take place in front of all the special people in your life to share in this moment with you. This event will help to define you and the next chapter of your life. You will always remember the love you felt when you cross the finish line. You will remember the lives you touched with your walk. You will remember people`s own stories they shared. You will remember the letters from students touching your heart. You will remember.
Victory...is forever
Co-present with Scott
I wish I could go back and tell him that he will have a career in which he works with incredibly bright and talented people in solving complex problems. This career would allow him to help organizations exceed expectations. This career would be his passion. This career would give him the life his parents always dreamed of. People will see you as a thought leader.
I wish I could go back and tell him to make sure you cherishes those moments with special loved ones. These moments will not be forever. You need to love and appreciate them for everything . You need to be happy that you got to share time with them, even if they have to leave this world early. You need to appreciate family, friends, and loved ones each time you see them as if it was the last time ever. To remember to keep the journey continuing even when there journey on earth is no longer.
I wish I could go back and tell him that despite the ups and downs… You are in for a hell of a ride!